This month, we start the final 4 months of the year. Its surreal. How did 2022 flew by so quickly? There is a sense of resistance and also hope – from worrying about “what did we achieve this year” and then the promise of a fresh new year. Either way, I want to start now, to get into the habit of doing and not just planning.
Like I said in the last post, doing small tasks makes you feel more confident to tackle even larger tasks. So let’s keep going!
This year is the first year we are celebrating September using the new branding “September Moon Co”. I feel very connected to this brand name. I feel like we are meant to be. Just always obsessing when September arrives.. I start on a journey. The past 2 years, I did a “retreat” for myself. Personal Development, Mental Health, Business Journey, Home .. this year, I want to focus instead of being scattered all over the place. And hopefully for the next year, I will not try to second guess myself. (cos “overthinking” is just my middle name lol).
And what a great start it is. Recently we have secured a double cube at Box of Cravings after being on the lookout for a better part of the year. We need more space for notebooks and albums. And I hope that we will continue to diversify our product line in the future. Stationery will always be my first obsession, but I love desk setups too!
Soon, I would like to start experimenting with “patreon” content. Is it better to have it on the website or try using Discord or Facebook? Basically, I just want to have a cosy small community to geek out stationery with. Posting on instagram/youtube and asking for comments doesn’t really work, usually I don’t get that many comments, but I know I really really need feedback! So if you are familiar about “patreon” website, essentially, I’ll be posting blogposts that are hidden from the public and can only be seen if you are a paying member aka “patron”.
I think our community needs to grow and appreciate “patreon” type content from makers/artists in Brunei. Its just too bad that we don’t have Paypal enabled for Brunei to allow easy payments. Otherwise I’ll be on already ;P
Anyway, until next time. Take care!